Patrick Sullivan's Saloon t-shirt - Old City Knoxville
Bars come and go but the memories remain, cloudy as they may be. From Knox News, by John Shearer, "According to a plaque outside the brick building, the structure’s history dates to Irish immigrant Patrick Sullivan, who came to Knoxville in the 1850s with his family as a teenager to help build the railroad lines in East Tennessee. His family also helped build the first Immaculate Conception Catholic Church." The full article can be found at https://www.knoxnews.com/story/shopper-news/bearden/2019/07/25/iconic-building-old-city-has-served-all-knoxvilles-needs/1776598001/
Just in time for St. Patrick's Day. All shirts ordered by March 12th will be shipped via 2 day shipping on March 13th.
This Bella+Canvas, 100% cotton shirt comes in Kelly Green, screen printed with a light cream and maroon print. Size chart is shown in the pictures.